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A delicacy of nature straight from the hive, built by bees, containing honey in its purest form. Ηarvested from the abundant blossoming flowers and the wild forest of Mt.Erymanthos in the Peloponnese-southern Greece, in an unspoilt natural environment protected by the European network Natura 2000.

Dioterra Pure Raw Honeycomb is hand-cut from the frame and boxed, with no additional treatment or processing, all natural, preserving all its nutritional benefits, antioxidants and enzymes!

Ιt is 100% edible. It can be:

chewed like gum

spread onto fresh bread, warm buttered toast, pancake, waffle or muffin

stirred into natural Greek yoghurt or ice-cream

enjoyed with fruit and some of your favourite cheese

Suitable for vegetarians. Gluten-free and GMO-free

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Product History
Die Geschichte von Honig geht zurück bis in die Antike. Schon damals spielte Honig eine wichtige Rolle in der täglichen Ernährung. Die alten Griechen glaubten, dass die Olympischen Götter mit Honig ernährt wurden - dem Nektar der Götter. Laut der griechischen Mythologie, wurde Zeus von der Nymphe Melissa in der Diktäischen Höhle mit Honig aufgezogen. Bei Opferzeremonien boten die alten Griechen den Göttern Honig dar. Auch im Byzantinischen Reich gehörte Honig, besonders in den Klöstern, zur alltäglichen Ernährung. Heutzutage ist Honig in der weltweit anerkannten Mittelmeerkost und insbesondere in der kretischen Ernährung, der die Kreter ihre robuste Gesundheit und hohe Lebenserwartung zuschreiben, das Hauptsüßmittel. Honig hat außerdem einen wichtigen Symbolwert, da er seit der Antike für Fruchtbarkeit und Wohlergehen steht. Darüber hinaus verfügt Honig über einen hohen Nährwert. Honig enthält Einfachzucker, der vom Körper sofort aufgenommen wird und ihn direkt mit Energie versorgt. Außerdem enthält er Vitamine und wertvolle Spurenelemente.
Meet the producer: Dioterra
DIOTERRA is a family owned company in southern Greece - Peloponnese, producing top quality healthy products. Our passion for the healthy Mediterranean diet inspired us to establish the brand name DIOTERRA, in which we encompassed not only our honey, but also the best quality products that the Greek land has to offer. Our aim is to share the flavours we savoured as we were growing up and our vision is to reintroduce on gastronomic choices the authentic treasures abundantly found in the Greek land. Our commitment is to provide 100% natural products of high nutritional value without the use either of additives or conservatives. From production, processing and storage to product distribution, we apply the strictest guidelines in order to guarantee excellent quality. Our company has been certified to the international standards for hygiene and food safety of ISO 22000:2005, and by Agrocert for the trading of PDO products.
Dioterra Bild
Visit the region: Erymanthos mountain
Erymanthos mountain

Erymanthos, the mountain of legends, is an elongated one with many peaks, stretching like a mountain range in the northern Peloponnese, in the regions of Achaea and Elis, with its highest peak Olenos (2.224m.) It belongs to the protected areas of the European network for the protection and conservation of wildlife Natura 2000.

According to Greek mythology Mount Erymanthos is the native of the notorious wild boar, the Erymanthian Boar, which is remembered in connection with the Labours of Hercules.

The labours of Hercules are the twelve feats carried out by the greatest of the Greek heroes in order to be purified for the murder of his wife and his children, which he had committed when the goddess Hera made him mad.

On Mount Erymanthos Hercules performed the forth labour destroying the Erymanthian boar, the notorious huge wild pig which was attacking men and animals all over the countryside, gouging them with its tusks, and destroying everything in its path. In this place where legends abound and History has always something to narrate, there are -far from the lights of mass tourism- hospitable villages, old monasteries, dense forests and people who have been living and struggling with the land for centuries. Mount Erymanthos is very attractive to friends of hiking and mountaineering by its wild natural environment with coniferous forests, dense vegetation, rare and wild species, excellent views, scattered springs, waterfalls, beautiful rivers that often form valleys and steep ravines and impressive red and green shales.

Erymanthos mountain Bild
Unser Kundenservice ruft Sie an

Pure raw honeycomb from Achaia "Dioterra" 300g

Auf Lager

Product code: 008402 Gross Weight 360g
Reward Points Login to earn 9 Olives for purchasing this product.
Honey from the comb, the purest form of honey. Straight from the hive, preserving all its nutritional benefits, antioxidants and enzymes! Enjoy it, just as nature intended!
9,95 €
Meet the producer: Dioterra
Map of Greece Visit the region: Erymanthos mountain...