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Step by Step Instructions
Preparation: Soak the chickpeas for 6 hours and boil with the bay leaf until they become soft, then remove from the water. Whilst the chickpeas boil, cover the garlic with aluminum foil and grill it for 20 minutes at 180ο C. Next cut the garlic in half and press each clove. Execution: Using a blender, mix the hot chickpeas, the garlic, the sesame paste, the olive oil and the lemon juice. If needed, dilute the mixture with some warm water. Add the cumin and a tablespoon of pine nuts. At this point give it a taste to see if it needs more salt or lemon in order to please your needs. Serve the hummus with GAEA FRESH Extra Virgin Olive Oil, marjoram and roasted pine nuts!
Ingredient List
  • 250g chickpeas
  • 3 tablespoons sesame paste
  • 3 tablespoons GAEA FRESH Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 Garlic
  • 1 lemon
  • Salt
  • Cumin
  • 2 tablespoons pine nuts
  • 2 cloves fresh marjoram

Hummus with Pine Nuts, Marjoram and Gaea Fresh Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Preparation
  • Cooking
  • 4
Try to grill garlic and flavor with marjoram and pine nuts… the taste will pleasantly surprise you!
The Gaea Fresh Extra Virgin Olive Oil, as an addition to this beloved oriental starter, will refresh your palette and leave an exquisite after taste.
Food styling - recipe: @funkycookgr
Photography: @wonderfoodland
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