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It is a single origin extra virgin olive oil from the world famous Koroneiki variety. The olives are harvested in November when they are still ripe, thus ensuring their high levels of polyphenols. The Koroneiki variety is famous for its rich aromas as well as its high percentage of monounsaturated fat and polyphenols! For this reason, we take care to collect our harvest in special baskets that allow the produce to breathe and not crush, and with the end of each day it is transferred to the mill to start the oiling process. Our extra virgin olive oil is filtered immediately and stored in stainless steel tanks with the addition of nitrogen to keep all the organoleptic components intact, something that is also verified by the quality certificates of our product. It is packaged in a dark 500ml glass bottle that protects the olive oil against oxidation. The special bottle flow regulator allows for proper flow of olive oil when served.
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Product History
Als extra natives Olivenöl wird das reine, naturbelassene Olivenöl ohne industrielle Verarbeitung bezeichnet. Es verfügt über einen fruchtigen Geschmack und duftet nach frisch gepflückten Oliven. Es kann auch einen angenehm bitterlichen Geschmack und ein kurzzeitiges brennendes Gefühl in der Speiseröhre hervorrufen. Griechenland belegt den weltweit dritten Platz bei der Olivenölherstellung und den ersten Platz bei der Herstellung von extra nativem Olivenöl, welches das qualitativ hochwertigste Olivenöl ist. 75% des gesamten in Griechenland produzierten Olivenöls trägt das Merkmal „extra nativ“. Extra natives Olivenöl hat einen Ölsäuregehalt von unter 0,8%. Der Säuregehalt ist eines der entscheidendsten Kriterien für die Qualität des Olivenöls - je niedriger der Säuregehalt, desto qualitativ hochwertiger das Olivenöl.
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Extra virgin olive oil "Tombazis" 500ml

Nicht auf Lager
Available in 3-5 days

Product code: 010207 Gross Weight 670g
Reward Points Login to earn 18 Olives for purchasing this product.
It is a single origin extra virgin olive oil from the world famous Koroneiki variety. The Koroneiki variety is famous for its rich aromas as well as its high percentage of monounsaturated fat and polyphenols!
16,23 £

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  Product of Greece