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    • Der Artikel Bio-Honig «Vasilissa» mit Gelée Royale und Pollen aus Euböa "Stayia Farm" 250g wurde der Vergleichsliste hinzugefügt.
Isn’t it time you forgot about run-of-the-mill honeys and reached for a Greek, 100% pure, organic heather honey? What’s more, Stayia Farm’s honey contains royal jelly and fresh pollen so that every spoonful is also packed with extra health benefits. It’s gathered from bees feasting on the wild herbs and flowers of the mountains of Evia and is certified as a premium organic product. In Greece, heather (also known as soussoura) is considered a plant whose flower nectar is excellent food for bees. Some of the most fragrant heather plants can be found in the pine forests in the mountains of Evia. Heather flowers from fall to spring and yields honey of impressive quality and distinctive characteristics which vary depending on the flowering stage of the plant. Stayia Farm’s forest honey also contains royal jelly which needs little introduction. It is secreted by the bees, a sort of superfood for the bee elite and, since ancient times, it has been treated as an elixir that champions long life and restores vitality. Rich in vitamins and minerals, royal jelly is also a source of protein and greatly assists the nervous system and the human body overall to function seamlessly. Stayia Farm further reinforced the health benefits of royal jelly in its honey by adding fresh pollen, a food on its own since antiquity. Stayia Farm has succeeded in binding together the truly dynamic trio of organic honey, royal jelly, and fresh pollen to ensure that your daily requirement for their nutrients is met. As to the honey’s name, “Vasilissa”, it originates in one of the most spellbinding myths of Greek mythology: Cronus was the king of the Titans. The seers had foretold him that he was destined to be overthrown by his own sons. So, as soon as sons were born to him he would devour them to prevent the prophecy from coming true. However, Zeus, his sixth son, did survive thanks to Melissa (the Greek word for ‘bee’), a mountain nymph who hid him from his father and fed him honey. Cronus was furious when he found out and changed her into an earthworm. Later on, Zeus, who could not but be grateful for her ministrations when he was an infant, broke Cronus’ spell and transformed her into a queen (Vasilissa) bee. Dark bronze in color, Stayia Farm heather honey appeals instantly and promises lingering moments of sweet pleasure.
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Product History
Die Geschichte von Honig geht zurück bis in die Antike. Schon damals spielte Honig eine wichtige Rolle in der täglichen Ernährung. Die alten Griechen glaubten, dass die Olympischen Götter mit Honig ernährt wurden - dem Nektar der Götter. Laut der griechischen Mythologie, wurde Zeus von der Nymphe Melissa in der Diktäischen Höhle mit Honig aufgezogen. Bei Opferzeremonien boten die alten Griechen den Göttern Honig dar. Auch im Byzantinischen Reich gehörte Honig, besonders in den Klöstern, zur alltäglichen Ernährung. Heutzutage ist Honig in der weltweit anerkannten Mittelmeerkost und insbesondere in der kretischen Ernährung, der die Kreter ihre robuste Gesundheit und hohe Lebenserwartung zuschreiben, das Hauptsüßmittel. Honig hat außerdem einen wichtigen Symbolwert, da er seit der Antike für Fruchtbarkeit und Wohlergehen steht. Darüber hinaus verfügt Honig über einen hohen Nährwert. Honig enthält Einfachzucker, der vom Körper sofort aufgenommen wird und ihn direkt mit Energie versorgt. Außerdem enthält er Vitamine und wertvolle Spurenelemente.
Meet the producer: STAYIA FARM
Stayia Farm is a small family farm producing organic products. It is located on Evia, Greece’s fertile island. Although established as a company as recently as 2012, Stayia Farm carries the expertise and tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation since the early 1950’s. The younger generation is now represented by two young people who are as driven as they are decisive: accountant Yannis Karypidis and nursery school teacher Stavroula Theodorou who went ahead and invested in innovation and an outreach profile. Today, their products are on the shelves of every prestigious delicatessen. The goal of the Stayia Farm team is to produce select, wholesome organic products that have been exposed to no herbicides, insecticides, or fungicides. The Stayia Farm team is made up by savvy beekeepers who work hand-in-hand with nature and bees. The premium raw honeys they gather have highly distinctive flavor profiles which are bound to please even the most demanding foodie. Every single one of their products is certified by BioHellas, a prestigious inspection and certification body for organic products.
Visit the region: Euböa

Die Geschichte der Region ist uralt. In den 2.500 Jahren ihrer dokumentierten Geschichte, beginnend in der Jungsteinzeit, wurde die Region von vielen Eroberern sukzessiv besetzt: von den Spartanern, Athenern, Makedoniern, Römern, Venezianern und Osmanen. Der Naturlandschaft von Euböa gelingt eine einzigartige Kombination von grünen Bergen und blauem Meer: auf der einen Seite die majestätischen Berge, die bewaldeten Gipfel, die Tannen, Oliven- und Feigenbäume und auf der anderen die wunderschönen Strände, das endlose Meer und das kraftvolle Wasser.

Euböa Bild
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Bio-Honig «Vasilissa» mit Gelée Royale und Pollen aus Euböa "Stayia Farm" 250g

Auf Lager

Product code: 008673 Gross Weight 490g
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Pure, heather honey that comes with the added goodness of royal jelly and fresh pollen so that it can treat you “royally” as you deserve. From the busy bees of the island of Evia, and the loving care of Stayia Farm, a noble honey to treat your taste buds right!
6,25 €
Meet the producer: STAYIA FARM
Map of Greece Visit the region: Euböa...