Die besten griechischen Produkte

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Authentic Greek groats called Pligouri is wheat with husks that is steamed, dried and then husked and ground. This Pligouri is enriched with dehydrated vegetables, aromatic herbs, spices and wild mushrooms (Black Trumpet). It is a basic ingredient for a special salad called Tampoule.
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Product History
In den griechischen Dörfern wurden Nudeln früher in der Regel während des Sommers hergestellt. Man hat sie dann auf natürliche Weise austrocknen lassen und im Hauskeller konserviert, so dass sie im darauffolgenden Winter kochbereit waren. So hatte man immer ein schnell zubereitetes, einfaches und sättigendes Gericht für die ganze Familie parat. Die Form, die Größe und die Zubereitung griechischer traditioneller Teigwaren variiert von Region zu Region. Ob einfach mit Käse, Sauce oder Fleisch, in Suppen oder sogar in Blätterteigpasteten, Nudelgerichte sind immer köstlich.
Meet the producer: Agrimon
Agrimon's mission is to discover the best producers in Greece and, after careful quality controls, to pack their products at the best prices and packaging in the market. Combining the important characteristics of Greek food products with modern methods of production and distribution control, the company manages to ensure excellent products with a unique flavor, which it then promotes to the market with the highest assurances and certifications. The production of this family business from Serres, Northern Greece includes about 100 products from basic food groups such as legumes, rice, traditional pasta, aromatic herbs, spoon sweets and jams!
Agrimon Bild
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«Bulgur Wheat» traditional pasta with mushrooms, from Serres "Agrimon" 500g

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Product code: 002720 Gross Weight 534g
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Authentic Greek groats called Pligouri is wheat with husks that is steamed, dried and then husked and ground.
4,75 €

Our producers back in Greece are working to make your favorite product available soon!

Meet the producer: Agrimon