Die besten griechischen Produkte

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Special Greek Gift Baskets with treasures from all Greece to surprise you.

Gifts with Greek identity for every occasion supporting local products and Greek producers.

More than 136,000 gifts in 153+ countries worldwide.

Create custom-made compositions according to your style and budget!

With box/pouch/ribbon logo available!

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Greek Spirit

In stock

Product code: 800437 Gross Weight 2.1kg
Reward Points Login to earn 23 Olives for purchasing this product.
Our beloved Greek spicy flavors, ideally paired with a "GReat" collectible red wine of excellent quality!
20,62 £
Menge Artikel
1Special Edition red wine «GReat» 750ml
2Test tubes with a variety of herbs & spices "Kollectiva" 70g
1Pitted green olives marinated with chili & black pepper "GAEA" 65g
1Sun-dried tomato spread "GAEA" 100g

Tailor made gift combinations are available to match your desired price!

In case of product exhaustion, Yoleni's holds the right to replace it with another similar product, of equal value.

  Product of Greece