Net Weight
10gGross Weight
Anassa is the Greek Earth. An earth swarming with rare, exquisite flavours and aromas, distinctive and ethereal, fit for a queen. Anassa, ‘queen’ in ancient Greek, was also a title bestowed upon someone unique, as a title of great honour. This unique Greek earth, its weather, soil and sunlight yields pure, authentic, fine products, unrivaled in taste and fragrance.
ANASSA ORGANICS selects finest quality Greek products of organic farming and produce of farmers who use traditional farming practices with the utmost respect andcommitment to the land.
Our selection of exceptional organic Greek herbs for teas, infusions, tisanes is just the beginning. Our research was time consuming; it required considerable thought and attention, so as to make use of scientific findings regarding a quality selection, the optimum one for the customer. It was driven by our belief that herbs should be defended; they are not a just fashion, but rather a passion, a way of life. Anassa Organics came out of passion. Our love and passion for herbs. We consider it an attitude to select, prepare and enjoy a beverage sourced from organic Greek herbs. Brewing and serving an ANASSA ORGANICS herbal tea becomes a ritual, one providing a buoyant enjoyment, a rare quality experience, an exultation of spirit, a joie de vivre.
Discover and share the flavours and fragrances of ANASSA ORGANICS Greek herbs When enjoying our ANASSA ORGANICS infusions, we sincerely hope that you may feel and enjoy our hearty, keen enthusiasm, the joy and pleasure we envisioned to offer in our products as much as we have.
WHY ANASSA ORGANICS Do open an ANASSA ORGANICS package! You will be first met with an unexpected aroma; a natural fragnance that flows out and overwhelms you. You realize that you are about to enjoy a packaged purity; authentic, quality herbs, all genuine products generously provided by the warm, sunny, fertile Greek land.
Tradition & Scientific research In our effort to combine an old tradition with recent scientific achievements, we sought professional advice from a panel of academics on how to address our goal best. Our purpose was to ensure product quality at all stages, from proper cultivation of herbs to the final result in the cup of a most demanding consumer. The findings of the scientific study were evaluated so as to ensure that the final result will make all the difference. With much thought and attention we considered what Greek herbs are the most important, the regions they thrive in, how they should be grown and collected and how to be packed so as to retain colours, fragnances, taste and beneficial properties in full. And also, in accordance with the guidance provided, what combinations are best suited for different activities and in in what proportions (herbs in blends).
Packaging Greek nature Try one of ANASSA ORGANICS products! See, feel and then taste the difference of our colourful, aromatic and medicinal herbs! Our innovative way of serving offers the opportunity to enjoy this great taste everywhere. To be part of the process, the interacting ritual, the substantial quality interruption from a daily routine. This is a gift to yourself. Participate in the process, select leaves and fruits with care and fill the bag to prepare your drink. Besides herbs, the package also contains biodegradable, chlorine-free filters, enough for the posology of the doses corresponding to the contents, along with wooden sticks to support them in your mug. Thus, we are proud to present the marriage of a revered tradition tradition of unique flavours with a modern innovative way of serving!
Each of the 16 species of herbs offered, separately or in blends, was selected after a thorough investigation and is certified for highest quality. The valuable contribution of distinguished specialists is easily detected in our products. ANASSA ORGANICS offers bulk loose leaf herbs with the greatest aromatic and beneficial ingredients; and also, formulated blends offered in carefully selected proportions depending on the action and desired result. All our products are organic and packaged in a way to prevent deterioration of herbs; to maintain and protect the best herbs that the Greek land has to offer; to guarantee our quality commitment, our customers satisfaction and well-being.
Attika wurde in der Jungsteinzeit erstmals besiedelt und hat seither eine zentrale Rolle in den historischen Ereignissen Griechenlands gespielt. Besonders interessant ist auch die mythologische Vergangenheit Attikas, da es der Lieblingsort der Olympischen Götter war. In der Antike war Athen, und Attika im Allgemeinen, eine große wirtschaftliche, politische, intellektuelle und kulturelle Macht, welche ihren Höhepunkt im „Goldenen Zeitalter von Perikles“ erreichte. Während dieser Zeit wurden sowohl die Akropolis von Athen als auch die architektonischen Denkmäler des Heiligen Felsens der Akropolis erbaut, sowie viele andere beeindruckende Bauten errichtet. Bis zum Jahr 1834, als Athen zur Hauptstadt des unabhängigen griechischen Staates erklärt wurde, haben eine Reihe von historischen Ereignissen ihre Spuren in der Region Attika hinterlassen: der Peloponnesische Krieg, die Ausbreitung des Reiches Alexanders des Großen, die Besatzung durch die Römer, die Ausbreitung des Christentums, die Verachtung seitens des byzantinischen Reiches, der Durchzug der Franken, Katalanen und Venezianer und zuletzt die Zeit der osmanischen Besatzung. Die Wahrzeichen der Landschaft von Attika sind zahlreich: der blaue attische Himmel, die Sonne und die Farben des Sonnenuntergangs auf den Steinmassiven, die Berge, die mit ihrer charakteristischen Vegetation die attische Tiefebene umgeben, die Nationalparks, der Wald von Kessariani, das Feuchtgebiet von Mesogeia, die schönen Sandstrände, die ganzjährig einheimischen Vögel und die Zugvögel, die vielzähligen archäologischen Stätten, die Gassen und Balkons in der Plaka, die imposanten neoklassischen Bauten, um nur einige zu nennen.