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Product Description
Balsamic apple vinegar is organic & unfiltered, it is known for its full flavor and unique aroma. We carefully select batches of our own organic apple cider vinegar that are placed in oak barrels to age.
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Product History
Vinegar production is based on the conversion of alcohol into acetic acid. Historically, vinegar is the oldest and most popular of the spices used in gastronomy. Its origins go hand by hand with the use of wine, approximately in 6000 B.C, as they are both the natural outcome of the product of alcoholic fermentation. The Greeks used it widely in cooking and they are the first to distinguish different kinds of vinegar based on its place of origin. As far as the link between vinegar and well- being is concerned, it dates way back, as, by nature, vinegar has disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. Ancient physicians Hippocrates and Galen used vinegar as a medicine and so did the Egyptians, the Romans, the Chinese, etc.
Visit the region: Larissa

The district of Larissa, covers the north-western part of Thessaly, and is the biggest prefecture of Greece. It has a long history, as the region has been inhabited since 6000 BC. The name "Larissa" is of Pelasgian origin, and means a "highly organised hill or acropolis. During the 16th and 17th century, the region experienced a great economic blossoming, something which is reflected in its remarkable historical monuments. The natural landscape of the area is characterized by towering mountains, which are snow-capped in the winter and green in the summer. Moreover, one has to admire the stunning beaches that overlook the Aegean, the croplands, the traditional villages with the quaint old stone houses, mansions, monasteries and lastly its churches. The great Peneus River flows through the majestic Tembi Valley and also, through the well- protected forests which are also natural habitats.

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Balsamic apple vinegar organic & unfiltered, from Larissa "Chrisi Milia" 250ml

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Product code: 010874 Gross Weight 540g
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Balsamic apple vinegar is organic & unfiltered, it is known for its full flavor and unique aroma. We carefully select batches of our own organic apple cider vinegar that are placed in oak barrels to age.
Map of Greece Visit the region: Larissa...