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Product History
Extra virgin olive oil is the purest form of oil that comes straight from the olive trees, without having undergone industrial processing. It has a strong fruity taste and the distinct aroma of freshly cut olives. A pleasant bitterness and a short- term burning sensation in the esophagus can be present. With a striking 75% of Greek olive oil production to be extra virgin, Greece holds the first position worldwide in its production. Expressed in oleic acid, Extra Virgin Olive oil is the olive oil whose acidity does not exceed 0.8%. Acidity is one of the main criteria for the olive oil quality and the lower the acidity, the higher the quality.
Meet the producer: GAEA
Gaea was founded in 1995. Our name didn’t come about by accident; in ancient Greek mythology, Gaea was Mother Earth—a symbol of fertility and the goodness of the earth. As such, our vision has been to introduce the world to the benefits of the Greek Mediterranean diet by combining exquisite Greek products based on olive oil with our penchant for tradition and simplicity. Gaea is much more than elegantly-packaged wholesome foods and fine ingredients. It is a genuine philosophy of life, at the core of which is a deep appreciation for nature. We’ve always favoured non-aggresive harvesting over large volumes and high yields. And although we invest heavily in research and employ cutting-edge technology, we never stray too much from time-honoured practices. Our goal is to become international ambassadors not just of top-quality olive oil products, but of a better, healthier, more fulfilling way of eating—and living.
GAEA Image
Visit the region: Agrinio
Agrinio is the biggest city of Aitoloakarnania and its history dates back to the prehistoric period. In the 4th century BC, the battles between the Aitolians and Akarnanians took place there, and in 314 BC it was totally destroyed. It reappeared in the 12th century as the Despotato of Epirus and subsequently passed into the hands of the Serbs, the Albanians and finally the Turks, until 1853. The natural landscape of the region is characterised by the Panaitoliko Mountain with its many peaks, Lake Trichonida and the River Acheloos, which runs through the fields of Agrinio.
Agrinio Image
Let Us Call You

Organic extra virgin olive oil «Planet» "Gaea" 500ml

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Product code: 010259 Gross Weight 550g
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Meet the producer: GAEA
Map of Greece Visit the region: Agrinio...