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Greek condiment balsamic vinegar with white truffle is a rare product, free of additives or artificial colorings. Dirfys truffles are armed exclusively with endless flavor and superior quality! Grown in Evia, an island known for its rare flora, this fabulous Greek white truffle enters the perfect union with gourmet balsamic vinegar for a wildly successful gourmet treat. In ancient Greece, the truffle was known as "hydnon" and was believed to be the result of the lightning bolts leveled by Zeus upon the earth. It was greatly appreciated as a gourmet treat but it was also sought after for its medicinal uses and, mainly, for its aphrodisiac effects. Pliny the Elder called truffles "Nature’s wonders" while philosopher Porphyrius hailed them as "children of the gods" At the opposite site the balsamic vinegar invented centuries ago as a medicinal balsam (as its name denotes) for using only from Queens and Kings. Through the time, the balsamic vinegar started entering in gastronomy, boosting the flavors. In Greece it is produced by fermentation from specific variation of grapes (basically Corinthian currant). The processing procedure starts with boiling the juice of grapes until it becomes fruity syrup. At next, it maturates in casks where acquires the special aroma, the dark color and caustic sweetness. The "Dirfys" company produces amazing condiment balsamic vinegar with truffle, which excites our palate!
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Product History
Essig entsteht durch die Gärung von Alkohol zu Essigsäure. Historisch gesehen ist Essig die älteste und populärste Zutat in der Gastronomie. Essig tauchte das erste Mal um das Jahr 6000 v.Chr. auf, wahrscheinlich zusammen mit Wein, denn er ist ein natürliches Produkt der Alkoholgärung. Essig wurde von den Griechen hauptsächlich beim Kochen verwendet und sie waren auch die ersten, die Unterschiede in der Qualität, je nach Herkunftsort, feststellten. Essig ist seit jeher auch stark mit unserer Gesundheit verbunden - dank seiner natürlichen desinfizierenden und antibakteriellen Eigenschaften. Hippokrates und Galenos, große Doktoren in der Antike, benutzten Essig als Medizin, ebenso wie später die Ägypter, Römer, Chinesen und andere Völker.
Meet the producer: Dirfis

In 2006, two young men, Eleftherios Lahouvaris and Athanasios Mastroyannis, both university graduates in Agriculture but also with great experience in mushroom growing, founded "Dirfis" – a company situated Northern Evia. Being dedicated and passionate lovers of the agricultural mycology sector, they are ‘fiercely’ engaged in the cultivation of pleurotus mushrooms and in the production of products of high gastronomical and bioactive, functional value. They participate in pioneering research projects in cooperation with universities; they constantly make sure they keep up to date with the latest developments in their field. Moreover, they share their knowledge of mushrooms through international congresses and seminars.

What "Dirfis" does, is to collect and dry wild mushrooms found in the Greek forests and launch them to the market. Eleftherios and Athanasios aim at creating new products based on mushrooms and also emphasizing their nutritious and bioactive ingredients.Dirfis has installed its mushroom cultivation unit at a safety distance of 7 km from the substrate production unit to ensure that conditions of hygiene are kept high and that risk of infection during pasteurization and incubation is kept at its lowest possible level.

Dirfis chose its location at the foothills of Mount Dirfis very carefully using stringent environmental criteria. The company’s production unit is surrounded by lush vegetation and is characterized by a terrain that is ideal for the creation of the microclimate mushrooms need in order to grow. The location of the plant is free of any vehicle or industrial pollution and follows to the letter all the specifications necessary in producing wholesome products that are rid of any external polluting factors. One of the most impressive natural phenomena is how rapidly and suddenly mushrooms appear. That phenomenon is directly linked to the evaporation rate of the mycelium’s growing fruit body and osmotic pressure. By applying the appropriate ventilation and by maintaining the cultivation cabin at the right temperature and humidity, the Dirfis team ensures that the evaporation rate of its precious cultivations will remain within required levels.

Dirfis Bild
Visit the region: Euböa

Die Geschichte der Region ist uralt. In den 2.500 Jahren ihrer dokumentierten Geschichte, beginnend in der Jungsteinzeit, wurde die Region von vielen Eroberern sukzessiv besetzt: von den Spartanern, Athenern, Makedoniern, Römern, Venezianern und Osmanen. Der Naturlandschaft von Euböa gelingt eine einzigartige Kombination von grünen Bergen und blauem Meer: auf der einen Seite die majestätischen Berge, die bewaldeten Gipfel, die Tannen, Oliven- und Feigenbäume und auf der anderen die wunderschönen Strände, das endlose Meer und das kraftvolle Wasser.

Euböa Bild
Unser Kundenservice ruft Sie an

Balsamico - Essig mit Weißtrüffel - Aroma aus Euböa "Dirfis" 110ml

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Available in 3-5 days

Product code: 001681 Gross Weight 265g
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Greek truffles, that self-growing marvel, can be found on the slopes of Mount Dirfys, island of Evia. Vastly popular for its delicate taste and subtle perfume, Dirfys’ Greek truffle is tenderly combined with premium Greek balsamic vinegar for a result that sends your gourmet creations to another dimension!
8,45 €

Our producers back in Greece are working to make your favorite product available soon!

Meet the producer: Dirfis
Map of Greece Visit the region: Euböa...