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- Traditional sweet brioche bread «Tsoureki» with Orange & Raisins from Kavala "Chrisanthidis" 200g
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Fresh butter, fresh eggs and premium flour are the key ingredients for a well-kneaded, fragrant tsoureki. Always made with pure ingredients based on traditional recipes, sprinkled with flaked almonds every day we create delicious, hearty tsoureki to deliver an incredible taste experience even to the most demanding palate!
Net Weight
200gGross Weight
Product History
Snacks sind kleine Essensportionen (kleiner als bei einer normalen Mahlzeit), die gewöhnlich zwischen den Mahlzeiten verzehrt werden. In der gegenwärtigen Zeit, in der man viel unterwegs ist, können Snacks Teil einer ausgewogener Ernährung sein und Energie spenden, vorausgesetzt, dass man auf die tägliche Gesamtkalorien- und -fettzufuhr achtet.
Visit the region: Kavala
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Kavala is one of Greece’s most picturesque cities. Its unique character and spectacular location, built amphitheatrically on the slopes of the Symvolo mountain range, make it one of the most beautiful cities in the country, and a bustling harbour that unites the East with the West, Europe with Asia. Its cultural and gastronomic identity has always been highly praised. References to the city go far back to the Prehistoric Period, culminating in Homeric narrations, and continue to the present day. The region’s fascinating and diverse cuisine has been enriched with elements introduced by Greeks arriving in the area from Pontus, Asia Minor and Cappadocia.