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Product History
Oliven gelten als die wichtigsten Mittelmeerfrüchte. Olivenbäume sind ein Symbol für Frieden, Ruhe, Fruchtbarkeit und Wiedergeburt - ein wahres „Gottesgeschenk“. Seit der Antike sorgt dieser wertvolle Baum des Mittelmeerraumes aufgrund seiner einzigartigen Eigenschaft für Faszination: er trocknet nie aus. Aus dem trockenen Stamm wachsen neue Triebe und so regeneriert sich der Olivenbaum. Es gibt eine große Vielfalt von namhaften griechischen Olivensorten, wie z.B. Kalamata-Oliven, Amfissa-Oliven und Thrumba-Oliven aus Thassos. Die Farbe der Oliven hängt von ihrem Reifegrad ab und reicht von grün über violett-braun bis hin zu schwarz. Wissenschaftlichen Studien zufolge verfügen Oliven über einen hohen Nährwert sowie über antioxidative Eigenschaften, da sie reich an Ballaststoffen, Mineralien, einfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren und Vitamin E sind.
Meet the producer: GAEA
Gaea was founded in 1995. Our name didn’t come about by accident; in ancient Greek mythology, Gaea was Mother Earth—a symbol of fertility and the goodness of the earth. As such, our vision has been to introduce the world to the benefits of the Greek Mediterranean diet by combining exquisite Greek products based on olive oil with our penchant for tradition and simplicity. Gaea is much more than elegantly-packaged wholesome foods and fine ingredients. It is a genuine philosophy of life, at the core of which is a deep appreciation for nature. We’ve always favoured non-aggresive harvesting over large volumes and high yields. And although we invest heavily in research and employ cutting-edge technology, we never stray too much from time-honoured practices. Our goal is to become international ambassadors not just of top-quality olive oil products, but of a better, healthier, more fulfilling way of eating—and living.
Visit the region: Kalamata
Kalamata is one of the largest cities in southwest Peloponnese. It is the capital city of the prefecture of Messinia and is also the port of South mainland Greece. It has built at the foot of Mount Cart (edge of Taygetos) in the heart of Messinian Bay, it has Mediterranean climate with warm winter and mild summers. Kalamata is the second largest city in Peloponnese ( the first one is Patra) and its story begins from the period of Homer. In particular, Homer had mentioned Fares, an ancient town which had built around where it is now the castle of the city. The most important event of the long history of the city is the liberation from the Turks, on 23th March of 1821. In the end of 19th century has been built the port of Kalamata, which operates until today. The city is showing considerable growth and acne. It has been characterized as the Marseilles of Morea and it is an important urban, economic and commercial center of the region. It is also the administrative center of the prefecture of Messinia. The economy of region is based on the agriculture. It is indeed the Promised Land. Almost everything can be produced in Messinia. From the famous Kalamata olives and extra virgin Olive Oil , up figs, raisins, vegetables, citrus, rich aromatic wines and delicious flavored vinegars. It could not be mentioned in herbs ,which grown in the region. Taygetos, the imposing mountain of Messinia, is one of the richest and most interesting ecosystems of Europe with a large number of plants that grow only there. Balm for pain, fragrant oregano for food and mountain tea are some of the small wonders of Messinian nature. And all these without chemical or other treatment and with all the natural flavor and their amazing properties. Kalamata except from a rich gastronomic destination attracts an indeed large number of visitors due to its cultural activity and its wonderful landscapes. Amazing sandy beaches, pebbled coves, proud villages, Byzantine churches, fertile land and mountains give the promise for unforgettable holiday.
Kalamata Bild
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Bio - Kalamata - Oliven "Gaea" 150g

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Product code: 001817 Gross Weight 165g
Reward Points Login to earn 3 Olives for purchasing this product.
3,35 €
Meet the producer: GAEA
Map of Greece Visit the region: Kalamata...